Moooi, 2022


Under Moooi’s creative direction, Haapio Creative has designed multiple artworks for Moooi Carpets, including both rugs and broadlooms. One of the most enchanting pieces is the Mooon Carpet, based on NASA’s high-resolution 360-degree scan of the moon.

The Mooon Carpet collection features three distinct rugs, each with a 250 cm diameter, showcasing different sections of the moon’s surface. These crops highlight various lunar landscapes, such as craters, with recolored shades that bring out their unique shapes. The nuanced color gradients add a harmonious touch to the textured artwork, making it possible to integrate this universal theme into interior spaces with a range of tonal moods, from bright and feminine to dark and mystical.

The design can also be seen as a reflection of the moon’s daily journey around the Earth, capturing the subtle shifts in light and shadow that influence our surroundings.



Client: Moooi
Partner: Moooi Carpets
Creative Director: Christie Wright
Graphics: Haapio Creative
Interior Photos: Moooi
See more:


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